True to form ...
On 3/19/2014 6:08 PM, F*O*A*D wrote:
On 3/19/14, 5:56 PM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 3/19/2014 5:42 PM, F*O*A*D wrote:
Look. Big Ed starts his show with images and videos of GWB behind him
and, whether you paid attention or not, made references to Bush's
actions back then and the mood, (political and otherwise) that influence
whatever options we have now. That's casting blame on Bush. There
was no reason to even reference what Bush did 12-13 years ago. Different
time, different situation.
That's just giving today's circumstances perspective. That's not blaming
Bush. Thinking Americans are weary of war, and Ed was explaining why.
Bush's foreign policy fiascos have made us cautious.
Part of my problem is that I just can't tolerate much of "Big Ed".
I've come to realize that MSNBC has a strategy in terms of trying to
capture and appeal to liberal only thinkers. Or non-thinking followers.
They have covered part of the audience appeal with "cerebral" hosts
like Maddow. They have the working class covered by Matthews and Co.
Minorities are covered by Rev. Al and Big Ed works the unions and the
rest of the leftovers.
Of all of them I find Big Ed the most objectionable. He's a blowhard
with bully tendencies. I can only handle a few minutes of his BS before
I have to switch channels.
Oh ... then MSNBC has "The Cycle". They hit the 25 to 35 year old
segment. Stupidest show I've seen except for their token conservative,
Abby Huntsman. She's an airhead, but a good looking airhead.
Now they have some new guy who looks like Justin Bieber and appears to
have not yet had to shave. What age group is MSNBC targeting their
liberal propaganda with him? 12-14 year olds?