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F*O*A*D F*O*A*D is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Feb 2014
Posts: 3,524
Default A grave worth ****ing on...

On 3/21/14, 6:11 PM, wrote:
On Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:40:19 -0700, jps wrote:

On Thu, 20 Mar 2014 14:31:39 -0400, "F.O.A.D." wrote:

TOPEKA, Kan (WIBW) Fred Phelps Sr., the former head of the Westboro
Baptist Church, died late Wednesday night, according to a family member.

Phelps' son, Timothy told 13 News that his father died just before
midnight. Timothy Phelps works at the Shawnee Co. Jail.

Ironically, another son who is a member of the church, attorney Jonathan
Phelps told us Thursday morning that Pastor Phelps "is doing fine." That
could have been a spiritual reference.

- - - -

If ever I am unfortunate enough to find myself in Topeka, and the
location of Phelps' grave is known, I'll consider visiting it so I can
**** on it.

Someone suggested that he'd love to **** on Phelp's grave but hated
standing in long lines.

Gosh, we actually agree on something. Did Phelps shoot someone? I can't understand why you'd comment
without shots being fired!

You'd serve yourself better, Johnny, if you avoided commenting on
anything even slightly political. Stick with your hobbies, and if you
are a good little boy-man, perhaps your grandkids will buy you an
Erector Set for Christmas or an antique American Flyer Train Set, and a
striped engineer's cap to go with it. It'll be the perfect hobby to fill
out your days at the old folks home.

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