On 3/29/2014 10:27 AM, Poquito Loco wrote:
On Sat, 29 Mar 2014 10:11:19 -0400, "Mr. Luddite" wrote:
On 3/29/2014 8:13 AM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Sat, 29 Mar 2014 06:43:37 -0400, "Mr. Luddite"
On 3/29/2014 6:02 AM, Tim wrote:
On Saturday, March 29, 2014 1:36:37 AM UTC-7, Mr. Luddite wrote:
... well, really just dreaming. Came across some "bargains". LOL
My favorite is number 2, "Balboa" (scroll down the page a bit)
Assuming I could afford the initial fuel fillup, it should last the
rest of my boating days.
That is a nice boat. 2000 hp deutz single. I liked how it was called N "Expeditionary" yacht.
I did some more research on it. It was originally a heavy duty fishing
trawler. The current owners started a conversion process in 2010 with
the intent to turn it into a luxury live-a-board yacht.
They removed all the fishing well tanks, the DC generators, winches and
all fishing related gear to make space for 6 additional cabins. I think
that's where they stopped and decided to sell it. I found a listing
where it is being offered for $345K.
Figure about $40K to 50K everytime you fill it up with diesel, and
another $50K to 100K+/year for maintenance/insurance. Given the fact
that there must be *serious* unresolved issues to bring it on the
market at that price, they should probably pay someone to take it off
their hands. Better to get an old Hatteras or Bertram in the 50 to 60
ft range if you want a real bargain that you can actually use.
No question about it. That's why I mentioned that for the number of
years I have left for boating I'd probably only have to fill it up once.
Range is 5,000 nm. :-) Plus, who knows what it will take to
complete the conversion.
I've often talked about how much I liked the Navigator. There's an
interesting story behind that line.
A naval architect by the name of Jule Marshall originally owned and
designed boats called "Californian Yachts" back in the 1970s. The
company produced a trawler type boat to compete with Grand Banks and
other trawlers that were made in Asia. The first ones he designed and
built received high grades in boating reviews and put him on the map.
For whatever reason (probably financial) he sold Californian Yachts in
the mid 1980s to Wellcraft who, in turn, sold it to Carver. They
acquired the name only and did not build any of the original designs.
In the late 1980s after a non-compete associated with the sale expired,
Marshall started production of the Navigator line. They are very
similar to the original Californian Yachts in many respects.
Then, in 1998 Marshall purchased the Californian name back. He is now
building both Navigators and a new line of Californian Yachts, both
trawler types and cruising sedans. I like this one, although I'd
probably go for one of his trawler types instead. This one is 50'
and is called the Veneti. Very modern but traditional, clean lines.
The master stateroom is great .. bed, couch, desk. Check out the fuel
efficiency specs. Not too shabby for 50' boat capable of cruising at 21
knots. Only thing I am not crazy about is that it uses Zeus drives.
It is definitely not a boat I would buy based on looks. But, to each his own.
You would never like the one I'd be more inclined to buy then. My
interest is comfort, ride, build quality and ability to spend weeks at a
time on a boat. Go fast types really don't interest me anymore. The
Navigator I had was built like a tank with stringers and structural
bulkheads that were humongous compared to comparable boats of it's size.
Here's a trawler type made by Californian Yachts: