Article about BushCo use of words
"Joe" wrote in message ...
"Gould 0738" wrote in message
I do not think this president is
anywhere as accomplished a liar as the previous president, so he would
be able to keep up the facade.
He isn't. He hasn't.
"Tell them dumb squats in all the broken down trailer parks out there that
has got nukes! That will get the public beatin' the war drums!"
Bill, you don't feel just a bit raped when you're so obviously used?
There were about three-dozen drafts of the SOTU speech reviewed before GWB
allowed to open his mouth. The same administration had *deleted*
references to
a nuke program in Iraq in previous speeches specifically because they knew
intelligence was faulty
You know this for a fact? Please cite your sources.
Some things are just common knowledge. I know, that is a concept you
know nothing about, so I'll try to help. Do you think that the State
of the Union Address isn't proof read? It surely is. As a matter of
fact, before Dumbya ever reads aloud one word of it, it has been in
the hands of many proofreaders, intelligence people, etc.
and the Brits had already denounced the document as a
The Brits NEVER backed away from their Sadamm/Niger/Uranium intelligence.
Blair has stated that the forged document is not the basis of the intel and
insists the intel they do have is solid.
Tell us now, with three dozen proof readings and revisions, that the
"Iraq is developing nukes" manipulative pitch was left in as an oversight.
Again, please cite your sources.
The source is the State of the Union Address.