On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 1:03:50 PM UTC-7, John H. wrote:
On Wed, 21 May 2014 12:56:48 -0700, jps wrote:
On Wed, 21 May 2014 15:26:14 -0400, wrote:
On Wed, 21 May 2014 13:29:07 -0500, Boating All Out
In article ,
I do find it amusing that guys like JPS rail on for years about the
handful of "lawful gun owners" who shoot someone but are strangely
silent about the 11,000 illegal gun owners who kill people every year.
Then he blames it on the lack of more gun laws.
hehe. "Illegal gun owners." How many were "legal gun owners" before
they pulled the trigger?
What is the percentage of domestic violence gun homicides of the total?
Traffic altercations? Blah blah.
Dunno, do you have a valid stat ... and how many were by people who
had a legal gun?
Wonder how much more likely a "legal" gun owner is put a couple rounds
in the spouse. Course they could use a knife, but they'd probably get
their hands all bloody.
That sounds like the Australian experiment ... and they did just find
another way.
I suppose the government could just ban guns. That worked so well on
Hell, why don't we just pass a law that makes murder illegal ...
problem solved.
I read a stat that a gun owner is 6 times more likely to commit suicide.
So the gov doesn't need to ban guns. Darwin will take care of it.
I bet that stat is actually that a gun owner is 6 times more likely to
use a gun to commit suicide than to use another means.
Again, the countries with the highest suicide rates have a virtual ban
on any private firearm ownership so they just find another way.
Bull****. Harvard School of Public Health Study
Suicides in the 15 U.S. States with the Highest vs. the 6 U.S. States
with the Lowest Average Household Gun Ownership (2000-2002)
High-Gun States Low-Gun States
Population 39 million 40 million
Household Gun Ownership 47% 15%
Firearm Suicide 9,749 2,606
Non-Firearm Suicide 5,060 5,446
Total Suicide 14,809 8,052
People in the US didn't "just find another way." How much did you
bet? Do you need an address to send it to?
So where is the '6 times' bull****?
In high gun states, almost twice as many suicides are by firearms. In low gun states twice as many
suicides are by non-firearms. So where is the '6 times' bull****?
High-Gun States Low-Gun States
Population 39 million 40 million
Where are the "Moderate Gun States" and the rest of the US populace?
Surely the US and it's properties have more that 79 people in it's citizenry.