seriously, I AM researching thrill...
(BW) writes:
Maybe my last THRILL posting appeared a bit like SPAM. Just to allay
any questions - I'm a researcher at the Royal College of Art, England.
I've got an arts grant to research this subject of thrill, and develop
ideas for how thrill could be engineered.
No doubt, but we hear this a lot...not every day of the week, but
whenever someone decides they want to write a book or a paper or a
whatever about why and how humans "seek thrills" -- a phrase that
researchers and media types are much more prone to use than
participants; except for the name of the boat, I don't think I've
ever heard an actual whitewater boater speak of "thrillseeking" to
describe what wwe do -- they come to the so-called "adventure
sports" newsgroups and ask us to be part of their survey. And my
answer is: why would I want to?
You're free to write whatever you want, but I really don't like
seeing my sport sound-bit through the voice of people who haven't
been there. Your questions tell me you've already got your mind
made up. "Tell me why you're not a sensible person"? What is up
with THAT? Your questions are bizarre; I can't tell exactly what it
is you're angling at, but I would bet my house that true
understanding isn't it. If it were, you'd know that whitewater
boating isn't a fun-park ride. It isn't just "thrills"; it has real
risks, and the consequences don't always happen to someone else.
Think about that the next time you ask a group of whitewater boaters
for their "most thrilling experience".
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Mary Malmros
Some days you're the windshield,
Other days you're the bug.