Kayaking in Hawaii, paddled out of Lahaina, wind direction, NW
Your excellent local knowledge is much appreciated, at least by me,
and is far greater than mine (I live in Minnesota).
Not to nitpick but the "Trade Winds" are from the north east.
I did not mean Trade Winds when indication wind direction off of
Lahaina, Maui when paddling just one afternoon.
My adjustment for the magnetic declination was 10 degrees easterly. I
had my course recorded with this magnetic declination adjustment on
my NOAA chart (waterproofed with Thompson's deck sealer - smells when
drying but relatively inexpensive and it works). I also had my sea
compass on the deck in front of me. As I am not familiar with the
seas in Maui, I took, a little extra caution . . . in case I
encountered one of those currents you mentioned and started the
journey of becoming fish food.
The afternoon wind off of Lahania was coming from the northwest,
realizing I did not record the direction. I could be off by 20
degrees. The direction of boats an anchor confirmed the wind
However, since you live there and I do not, I would rely on your
advice before mine.
Scott Bemis