New Morning
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Oci-One Kanubi
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New Morning
(Paul) typed:
West Cork is a quiet and remote tip of Europe.
The pace is slow, the tourists are few.
The weather is never hot and never cold.
There are no motorways or bright lights.
Except for a few comforts, there is little in West Cork to remind you
that the time is the 21st Century.
It is a place where bird cries are more frequent than horns or radios
It is an incredibly beautiful part of Ireland.
Buy your piece of West Cork
Yer a sick mother, Paul, to try to attract an upscale urban mob who
will ruin exactly the beauty you are using as a selling point. Won't
it be lovely when we all flock to West Cork and turn it into exactly
that which we are trying to escape!
-Richard, His Kanubic Travesty
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Richard Hopley Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Nothing really matters except Boats, Sex, and Rock'n'Roll
OK, OK; computer programming for scientific research also matters
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