Dr. Ben Carson, the latest black right-wing "hero"...
On 8/5/2014 1:03 PM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 8/5/2014 12:00 PM, F*O*A*D wrote:
On 8/5/14 9:39 AM, amdx wrote:
Did his mom have subsidized internet, a subsidized smartphone,
subsidized housing, a fuel allowance subsidy , job training subsidy,
child care subsidy, subsidized prenatal care, subsidized formula,
free medical care, free dental care, free vision care, free
prescriptions. Did she drive a car with $3,500 worth of tires and
on it, was little Benny wearing $150 Nikes, did she have gold
lining her teeth was she having babies to get more welfare.
There are welfare mothers getting more in benefits than my wife and I
get working 110 hrs a week.
It has become a lifestyle for way to many, and very understandable
There is no shame for living on it, it is enough money to live better
than most human beings on the planet.
I'm surprised no one wants to discuss how welfare has changed from a
safety net to a good living on other peoples labor, a life with a
without a concern about your income cause it's backed by the government,
a life of complete leisure. No need to schedule a vacation with your
employer, your always on vacation.
Your comments are so ignorant and so removed from the reality of welfare
that they were not worth a serious, detailed response. Very few people
in this country get what used to be called "general welfare," unless
they are seriously ill with a chronic disease or are in some way
disabled. Most of the rest of what is referred to as "welfare" goes to
provide sustenance to minor children.
Since your side of the aisle is making it more difficult for
impoverished women to obtain abortions or even birth control, your
political beliefs are making this situation worse.
And of course, the plight of the impoverished has only been made worse
by the banksters, corporationists, and wall streeters, who are
transferring what little wealth remains among low and middle income
people to themselves.
What's next for you? An apologetica for trickle-down economics?
There's very little "safety net" left in this country. We're so ****ed
up in this country, we don't even mandate a modest vacation with pay
each year, as virtually every other modern, civilized nation does.
Corporations uber alles. Everyone else, tough ****. That's America's new
It's interesting that those receiving permanent Social Security
disability payments have risen by about 27 percent since 2008 - 2009.
Was there a run on bad backs?
No, there was "Permisso"... as the Latin Americans say. There is a total
culture of fraud perpetrated right from the Oval Office down, it's
encouraged, the evidence is out there but the in-justice dept is
ignoring it... Planned Parenthood, DEP, DEA, IRS, DHS... and on, and on,
and on.....