missing paddler Chris Clark, pacific NW
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Mary Malmros
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missing paddler Chris Clark, pacific NW
(Fiona) writes:
"William Wahl" wrote in message ...
"riverman" wrote in message
"cadeck" wrote in message
a roommate who is a paddler has disappeared without a trace, and i'm
concerned if he is safe. Please email if anyone has information.
Tell us more. Where in the PacNW; is he sea kayaking or riverboating, how
long ago did he leave, when is he returned, etc. There's not a lot to go
in your post.
Nor may I add, an update. The newspapers are clear here in Seattle.
okay some dumb questions.
what is his name?
what type of boat, colour, material?
what equipment has he should things go wrong?
a brief physical discription.... any health issues?
et cetera.. um...did the OP even say that he'd gone missing while
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Mary Malmros
Some days you're the windshield,
Other days you're the bug.
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