missing paddler Chris Clark, pacific NW
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missing paddler Chris Clark, pacific NW
"Fiona" wrote in message
"MLL" wrote in message
"Fiona" wrote in message
(beaver charlie) wrote in message
. com...
Alien abduction. He'll be returned to you okay.
(cadeck) wrote in message
. com...
a roommate who is a paddler has disappeared without a trace, and
concerned if he is safe. Please email if anyone has information.
okay ; dare i ask ....... Has he turned up yet??
or will we be reading about him in the obits.
The bio experiments are almost completed and he will be returned.
ok Has our chris washed ashore in some bar yet?
it would be nice to know this absolute stranger is safe.
just a kayak thing...
we will have fun but we do care.
Well, this topic sure has hung around with no resolution. Anyone know the
OP, so we can get some closure on the missing guy? Now I'M even getting
curiouser and curiouser..
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