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Default Feathercraft Kahuna Kayak

"Rick" wrote in

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As far as the boat slowing down in rough water, I am not sure.
Comparing it to a glass boat, it will be slower just because of the
loser material along the hull compared to glass. I have paddled it
several times on day trips in different types of weather and though
it was slower, it wasn't a huge difference. Folding boats are
designed for compactness. There will always be a trade off for that.
You can adjust the tension of the hull and the internal sponsons help
tighten things up quite a bit as well.

I've read, and heard claims, that skin boats create less disturbance
than a hardshell boat. The boat's own wake, for example, is dampened
by the softer sides and this reduces hull resistance in the water. The
same would logically apply to other wave conditions. I can't vouch for
this, though perhaps John F. can comment. I've heard from many sources
that skin boats paddle beautifully, or paddle like a pig, (giving
credence to the idea that hull design can offset any benefit/detriment
gained by having a skin over frame boat).

If you did not see the National Geographic "Baidarka" video, you
should. They discuss this fairly well, but the boat tested was very
long 18' and only 17" or 18" wide (IIRC), so it is possible that any
benefits felt were as much a function of a very long hull, low weight,
and bifurcated hull. Still worth seeing if you can find it (check your


That is interesting. I will look into it for sure. I hadn't heard that
but it makes sense about the disturbance.

