F*O*A*D wrote:
On 9/8/14 1:19 PM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 9/8/2014 12:51 PM, Harrold wrote:
On 9/8/2014 11:50 AM, F*O*A*D wrote:
One of my dislikes about the Apple iPhone has to do with battery
replacement/upgrades. There really are no upgrades, and replacing the
battery is a real pain in the ass and requires "fine motor skills" I'm
sure I never had. So, you end up going to Apple ($75 plus tax) or one of
the third party kiosk guys at the mall ($55 plus tax) for a new battery.
That's really not been a problem for me, because I am not a heavy
battery user on my cell. I really *hate* long phone conversations. But
my wife talks for a living, literally, and has frequent and lengthy
phone conversations with people she is seeing and helping.
She's had an iPhone 4S for a few years and the battery was dying. Our
carrier had a "special" on phone upgrades (a new iPhone supposedly is
coming out this week), so I bought her a new phone (an iPhone 5S with a
new battery) for $99.
The good news is, I just sold her old iPhone 4S for $143 to a reputable
on-line buyer of Apple gear. That's $44 more than we paid for it about
2-1/2 years ago. They're sending me a prepaid padded envelope for
shipment to their facility.
I suppose the buyer can flip the phone for a few hundred bucks, since it
is off contract, but I really am not sure of these details.
Why are you telling us this?
Sorta wondered that myself. Was waiting for some earth shattering news
or something .....
It's as earth-shattering as the latest drive with the tin motel room attached, eh?