new to canoeing
v-man wrote:
I was think of trying some canoeing with a few friends. I like hiking,
camping and the outdoors. I've never canoed before and cannot swim.
Will a life jacket be good enough for a person who can't swim? I was
think of starting off in a lake and gradually moving to small rivers.
Any advice on getting started?
I second everything riverman has offered.
In shallow water where you feel safe, deliberately horse aound, dumping
yourself & the canoe from time to time; you'll learn some of the canoe's
limits & some of your own. And if done while wearing a PFD, you may find
yourself well on the way toward learning to swim. Get a friend w/ 2nd
canoe into shallow water & play frisbee; great for goofy but agile
workouts, & it's amazing how you forget the canaoe's there as you become
more & more familiar with it.
Zen level 5: you, the canoe, the paddle, the body of water, the existing
weather conditons are all one. Blend & flow.
Read "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" by Gary Zukav; read anyting by Alan Watts.
Canoes are Zen on water as motorcycles are Zen on land. (Read Zen & the
Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig.)
Yours in the north Maine woods,
Pete Hilton (Reg. Me. Guide) aka Pogo aka The Ent
Either everyone has rights or some have privileges.
It's really that simple.
Walt Kelly