Into and out of the Kayak
Ok, here is probably the dumbest "newbie" question of the year.
Yesterday I purchased a new Sundance 120 after three test paddles.
However each time I test paddled the yak, there was an employee there
to help me enter and exit the yak next to a pier. I have it home and am anxious to take it out soon. I assume
I won't be doing the pier entry and exit as I will be alone. How do I
get in and out of the darn thing? Do I float it out into a foot or so
of water? Then what? Same thing on exiting. How do I actually get in
and out? ( I TOLD you this would be dumb)
Trust me, I am signed up for a three hour lesson in early June on
basic kayak techniques. Still, I'd love to flounder around in it
sooner, assuming I can figure out how to get in and out of it.
Thanks in advance.