On 12/7/14 10:38 AM, Poco Loco wrote:
You'd better hurry up and get my present ordered!
I'd love to see this under my tree:
But I'd settle for this:
In any case, you'd better get on the stick!
The SA Rugers are very nice, especially if you are a fan of single
action revolvers. I have a pair of consecutively numbered Vaqueros in
..45 Colt that were nicely engraved and only fired at the factory and not
fired since. They're safe queens.
I do use my Ruger GP100 with the 6" barrel in .38 special/.357 MAG. It's
DA, which I strongly prefer.
When I was growing up in New Haven, there was a pilot who kept a real
P51 Mustang at our crappy little airport. I saw it fly a couple of
times. It was very loud and very fast.
I feel no need to explain my politics to stupid right-wingers.
After all, I am *not* the Jackass Whisperer.