Fiberglass vs plastic
Alex Horvath wrote:
I have paddled a glass boat and where I had no choice but to land on a
steep rocky beach (with minimal surf), I would get out while the boat
is in the water (you get good at this after a while) and I tie the
boat to a large rock preferably in the water. This way the kayak is in
the water while I unload it. Of course, there is a risk that the rope
slips off the rock while I am not looking and floats away or that I
drop my gear into the water as I'm unloading it. I have heard of
people carrying small anchors but this is a significant amount of
Anyone else do something similar? This may seem somewhat extreme but a
loaded glass boat on rocks in the surf zone will take quite a beating.
That sounds like an awful lot of gyrations to go through, plus you risk
soaking or losing gear and possibly losing your boat. More importantly,
you also risk personal injury by making trips back and forth in rocky
water. Just land the thing and drag it up on the rocks. It takes a lot
longer for your body to heal than it does to repair a few gelcoat
scratches. Gelcoat is also a lot cheaper than medical bills.