Thank you all for your responses and leads; I had tried looking for a
pirouette S, but those seem to be rather hard to come by these days.
We just came back from a trip up to the middle of Nowhere, New
Hampshire, but found a great paddle shop (Suncook River
http://www.suncookriver.com/) with super friendly owners who gave us
the guided tour of the place, and then even ran us up to the top of
the put-in (as the take-out was by their store). After a day of
paddling, I got around to asking one of the owners for their
suggestions as to a good boat for my GF, and we finally settled on the
one that their daughter learned on. I'd never heard of it, but I had
been out of the sport for the last few years. Anyway, it's a
Supersonic by Robson, (I believe),
http://www.rainforestpaddlers.com/Robson/supersonic.htm and paddles
really well for her - based on playing around in the eddys by their
store. It seems to be a lot more forgiving, and a fair bit narrower
than her prozone, and a LOT lighter, so light in fact that now she can
carry her OWN boat! ;-)
Also the price tag of $450 (new) with a trade-in of $275 for her
prozone made this a no-brainer!
Thanks again for the help, and we hope to SYOTR!