Winding down
On Tue, 27 Jan 2015 17:53:35 -0500, "Mr. Luddite"
The Nor'easter that hit the east coast is finally starting to wind down
here in MA. We officially received 24 inches of snow in our area
near Plymouth although I don't know how they could possibly measure it
and it's still snowing although not as heavily.
The wind was blowing 45 mph constantly for most of the day with gusts to
65 to 75 mph. Huge snow drifts. The coastal areas of Marshfield (next
town north of us) was devastated. Storm surge broke the old sea wall
and many houses and cars were totally flooded or destroyed.
Fortunately we never lost power. It flickered a few times but I think
the work the utility company did over the summer trimming overhanging
tree limbs helped a lot. They are doing this town by town and our town
was done last summer. Many other towns lost power and still don't have
it back.
Glad to hear you're OK there. I understand from the news that
Nantucket got hammered pretty badly.