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Default Two week Alaska vacation recommendations

On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 12:02:43 -0700, Alex Horvath wrote:

I guess one requirement is that I can drive to the put-in location. I
don't know if any of the trips I listed qualify. Or perhaps I can hire
someone to take me on a boat if necessary to my put-in. I have to get
some detailed maps of Alaska and do some research.

You can't drive to Glacier bay. You could fly there and rent a kayak
locally, fly with a foldable kayak, or take a ferry (but not, apparently,
the Alaska Marine Highway, which is the state ferry line). Whether the
ferry would transport a kayak, I don't know. See
(click on "Plan your visit") for more details re transportation.

There is a book on kayaking Glacier Bay, published, I think, by The
Mountaineers. It is the only thing I've come across that focuses just on
this place. But, as I recall, some of the text is taken verbatim (I didn't
say "plagiarized," now, did I?) from the U.S. Coast Pilot.

Lastly, the Coast Pilot is now online (in a non-certified version), and
is loaded with detailed information. The presentation is dry and factual,
but in the case of Glacier Bay (chart 17318), the dry facts are pretty
spectacular, and make mouth-watering reading. See Chapter 15, "Cross Sound
and Icy Strait," at

It is a truly beautiful place (as many grizzly bears can testify).

Have a great trip!