Kayakers as Terrorists
It amazes me how quickly we forget.
Here someone did a good job of being vigilant and watching for unusual actions
(not many kayakers carry video cameras in their boats) and we are jumping to
the conclusion the evil government in a conspiracy with big business will use
this as an excuse to hide illegal activity. Talk about a huge leap!
We know Al-Qaida does extensive surveillance of it's targets, why would it be
such a leap they would do it this time, other than there is poor cover for
action videotaping from a kayak.
Of course, if a terrorist (domestic or international) were to blow up the
refinery and spill millions of gallons of oil, I'm sure we would have a "9-11"
commission to ask why we didn't see it coming.
I personally think it's a huge leap to think that a kayaker
videotaping an oil refinery is a possible Al-Qaida terrorist (more
likely it'll come from domestic terrorists such as ELF, but you can't
get headlines talking about domestic terrorism).