Kayakers as Terrorists
....stuff deleted
I don't know about you, but considering how many wonderful things one can
videotape from a kayak, including whales, natural settings, etc., an oil
refinery is right down on the bottom of my list, just above the interesting
poop I took this morning. While I doubt the individual was a terrorist, I
certainly have to question his/her sanity.
Ever since 9/11 people seem to have forgotten that not all terrorists are
Arabic or part of Al-Qaida. There are still environmental nuts that like to
blow things up, burn things down, or chain themselves to bull dozers. And,
their Americans. Gasp.
Josh, et. al.,
You still have to question the motives of someone who is in one of the
world's most impressive natural settings and chooses to photograph the
nearby oil refinery. I think that this is the rare instance that I would
raise my eyebrows in a questioning look. The response, and inspection,
of the person, in this instance, isn't out-of-line. It is likely that
the motives were, as you point out, perfectly explainable (though being
a conservationist in this day and age is likely to get you labeled as a
terrorist, or worse (after all, this is the label Bush used to describe
the NEA).
Now, if the person were taking photos of a returning fishing boat, I'd
probably be clapping my hands with glee.