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Default Kayakers as Terrorists

Rick wrote in a message dated 7/2/2004 10:05 PM Eastern
Daylight Time

It is likely that
the motives were, as you point out, perfectly explainable (though being
a conservationist in this day and age is likely to get you labeled as a
terrorist, or worse (after all, this is the label Bush used to describe
the NEA).

Far be it for me to defend President Bush's policies and the "antiterrorist"
actions taken by our government. I am after all one of the "hysterical"
librarians (Per Ashcroft) opposed to the "USA PATRIOT" act. I am also an NEA
member and for the sake of fairness and accuracy, I should point out that it
was Education Secretary Rod Paige who characterized the National Education
Association as "a terrorist organization" last February. Bush has not (as far
as I know) spoken on the topic yet.