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Default Paddlers pack the Ohio

Here's something you don't see every day: A canoe traffic jam on the
river. Look for it this weekend when the Ohio River Way Paddlefest sends
2,000 canoeists and kayakers sprinting from Four Seasons Marina to the
Serpentine Wall in a dayful of races.

Make that races and parties, with a Paddler's Party Friday and a Finish
Line Festival Saturday at the Serpentine Wall. It's all brought to you by
Ohio River Way, a group dedicated to connecting people and communities
along the river.

River is the key word there. The whole weekend is a celebration of it, but
Saturday's races are the centerpiece.

The 14-mile pro race is sanctioned by the U.S. Canoe Association and
carries $3,000 in prize money. It departs from Four Seasons Marina at 8:15
a.m. and ends when they hit the wall. The course includes a leg on the
Little Miami River.

The 9-mile amateur canoe and kayak race takes off at 8:30 a.m., also
includes a leg on the Miami and doesn't have any prize money. Just medals
and a hearty round of applause.

Those two races are for serious, rowers. The next three are just for the
heck of it:

"2,000 Paddles 6 Mile Float" is a leisurely, 2-hour trip down the river
while rowers enjoy the scenery and chat it up with shipmates. About 1,000
people participated last year. It sails at 9 a.m. Saturday.

War Canoe Races, open to all registered paddlers, are short races going
from the Purple People Bridge to the Taylor Southgate Bridge at 11 a.m.
Rowers will be in 10- to 16-person canoes. Winners get bragging rights but
no bucks.

Bridge to Bridge Sprint Races at 11:45 a.m. are for 1- and 2-person canoes
and kayaks and will follow the same 300-yard course as the War Canoe
Races. There are prizes for this one.

Not interested in working that hard? Make the trip with the Rosinante, a
60-foot blue water cruising yacht. It departs from Four Seasons Marina at
8:30 a.m., includes brunch and a ride back to the marina at noon for $150

Oh yeah, the river is closed to barges and pleasure boats during the
event, and there are shuttles to run people back to their cars at Four

Friday's events, all at Four Seasons, include a Gear Swap and Yard Sale,
Canoe and Kayak Show, Silent Auction (all 4-8 p.m.), a Paddler's Party
with music, food and drinks (7 p.m.) and a Paddling Film Festival Under
the Stars (9 p.m.)

Meanwhile, back at the Serpentine Wall, the Finish Line Festival has
music, food and plenty to drink. Plus a lot to watch, what with all those
brightly colored canoes bobbing on the river.
What: Ohio River Way Paddlefest and Finish Line Party.
Whe Friday's events are at Four Seasons Marina, 4609 Kellogg Ave.,
Columbia Tusculum; Saturday's events are on the Ohio River, from Four
Seasons Marina to the Serpentine Wall and Sawyer Point, downtown.

When: 3-11 p.m. Friday; Saturday's races are 8:15, 8:30, 9, 11 and 11:45
a.m. The Rosinante sails at 8:30 a.m.; the Finish Line Festival is 10:30
a.m.-3 p.m.

Cost: $30 for the 14-mile and 9-mile races; $20 and $25 for the 6-mile;
War Canoe and Sprint races are free for registered paddlers. Registration
is 3-8 p.m. Friday or Saturday before 7:30 a.m.

Information: (513) 230-5228 or

There's mo This is a rain or shine event. But if river conditions are
not safe, it will be rescheduled for Oct. 23.