Traveling with boats
In late August my wife and I will be driving from Florida to northern
Minnesota with two kayaks and one canoe strapped to the top of our car.
We're headed for a blissful four days in the BWCAW. Along the way we'll be
stopping to see friends and family, and we'd hoped to paddle some at our
various stops. I ask the collective wisdom's help on a couple of questions.
1. In planning our trip I've learned that MN requires all boats to be
licensed. In FL only motorized boats need licenses, so this came as a bit
of a surprise. I don't know if we want to license three boats in MN for a
week's visit. We also don't know if there are any other states along our
route with a similar requirement. Does anyone know of a resource or
reference to check for boating regulations state by state?
2. Securing the boats to the top of the car is another concern of ours. We
have a well used Yakima rack system for carrying the boats, but securing
them for an over night stay along the interstates is something else. I'd
hate to arise at some Motel 6 to find an empty car top. Any suggestions?
With warmest regards,