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Marsh Jones
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Default Traveling with boats

Jack Mulligan wrote:
In late August my wife and I will be driving from Florida to northern
Minnesota with two kayaks and one canoe strapped to the top of our car.
We're headed for a blissful four days in the BWCAW. Along the way we'll be
stopping to see friends and family, and we'd hoped to paddle some at our
various stops. I ask the collective wisdom's help on a couple of questions.

OK, firstoff, welcome to Minnesota. The BWCA is a great place to paddle
- like nowhere in the world. I assume you are planning on using the
canoe in the BWCA and the kayaks elsewhere. Portaging a 'yak is no fun
in the BW.

1. In planning our trip I've learned that MN requires all boats to be
licensed. In FL only motorized boats need licenses, so this came as a bit
of a surprise. I don't know if we want to license three boats in MN for a
week's visit. We also don't know if there are any other states along our
route with a similar requirement. Does anyone know of a resource or
reference to check for boating regulations state by state?

Minnesota requires instate permits for any boat used in MN for 90 days,
otherwise a homestate license will do.
There is a link to ask questions, but if there is any kind of a
registration from FLA, you should be OK. Otherwise, it's $15 for 3 years.

2. Securing the boats to the top of the car is another concern of ours. We
have a well used Yakima rack system for carrying the boats, but securing
them for an over night stay along the interstates is something else. I'd
hate to arise at some Motel 6 to find an empty car top. Any suggestions?

About all you can do is cable lock them on and wrap the cable thru the
thwarts/seats. If someone wants it, they'll take it. Park in well lit
parking lots and maybe set the alarm on the car.

Have a great trip,

Marsh Jones

With warmest regards,