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Default Traveling with boats

2. Securing the boats to the top of the car is another concern of ours. We
have a well used Yakima rack system for carrying the boats, but securing
them for an over night stay along the interstates is something else. I'd
hate to arise at some Motel 6 to find an empty car top. Any suggestions?

With warmest regards,

This is just in reply to the question of securing boats (particularly kayaks
w/o a secure attachment point) to the top of a locking car rack. One of the
neatest solutions I have seen is to get two of the plastic covered steel
cables (two per boat) with a large loop at one end and a small loop at the
other end. The larger loop of each cable is looped around the bow and stern
respectively then the two smaller looped ends are rapped around and under
the car-top rack and padlocked together. The cables, of course, need to be
the correct length such that when locked together the bow and stern loops
can not be pulled far enough apart to remove them. You would not want to
leave this security device in place while driving, but for motels and
restaurants it provides a lot of peace of mind! It also requires someone to
make the cables to fit your boat length but there are places that will do