The weather here...
On Fri, 27 Mar 2015 16:46:13 -0700 (PDT), Tim wrote:
I'm tired of the cold! Long days are great but iny local its supposed to be below freezing tonight...again. Next Tuesday it's supposed to be in a low 70's but that won't last long.
Springtime in illinois!
The purpose of our latest camping trip was to 'de-winterize' the rigs. So, Friday we
drained all the antifreeze out of the system, filled the hot water tank, etc. Then
they predicted temps in the 20's for Saturday night. Well, we'd not brought
anti-freeze, so I just let the water in my rig trickle all night and drained the gray
and black water tanks, leaving them open to the sewer. We didn't have any problems.
The guy next to us was running his furnace, which keeps the 'basement' where the
tanks and water lines are, warm enough not to freeze. But, his fresh water intake
hose froze, so he had no water this morning. Had to bring the hose into his shower
and let it thaw!
All in all a good trip though.
Guns don't cause problems.
Gun owner behavior causes problems.