Hey John...
On 3/30/2015 2:46 PM, Tim wrote:
Oh yeah, Don. Anything to make emergency repairs. I have wire ties, duct tape and vice grips in my car and boats.
one time while traveling to Tennessee somebody didn't correctly tighten the muffler clamps on my new exhaust system and the muffler literally came off my buick Waggon at 11pm on the 4 lane. I had no way for a roadside fix, but I was able to take a coat hanger and the vise grips and wire the exhaust back up to the body so it wouldn't be dragging.
I put the muffler and tail pipe in the back and we rumbled our way into town for a motel.
Next day I saw a Midas a couple blocks away and they put things on order. The shop guy thought that was a great idea and said he was going to put vise grips in his car that day . Hey you gotta do what you gotta do when you gotta do it.
If I was in a jam that John was I'd probably do the same thing.
Btw, sometime I'll tell how my dad 'fixed' a ruptured fuel line on a 1963 Plymouth with duct tape. It was good enough to make it home...
Some folks just don't have any imagineering skills Tim.
Respectfully submitted by Justan
Laugh of the day from Krause
"I'm not to blame anymore for the atmosphere in here.
I've been "born again" as a nice guy."