Closed: Indiana Pizza Parlor That Won't Cater Same-Sex Weddings Because,
An Indiana family-owned pizza restaurant says they've had to close down
after telling reporters they support Gov. Pence's anti-gay "religious
freedom" law.
The O'Connor family in Walkerton, Indiana last night told reporters they
would never refuse to serve gay people, but they could never cater a
same-sex wedding. The owners of Memories Pizza for nine years, the
O'Connors have religious images and ornaments lining the pizza parlor's
walls and cash register stand.
"If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their
wedding, we would have to say no," Crystal O'Connor told ABC 57 News.
"We are a Christian establishment."
Number of times in the New Testament Jesus spoke out against
homosexuality: 0 Christianity, apparently, isn't that closely
connected to Jesus.