On Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 6:20:36 PM UTC-7, Keyser Söze wrote:
Closed: Indiana Pizza Parlor That Won't Cater Same-Sex Weddings Because,
An Indiana family-owned pizza restaurant says they've had to close down
after telling reporters they support Gov. Pence's anti-gay "religious
freedom" law.
The O'Connor family in Walkerton, Indiana last night told reporters they
would never refuse to serve gay people, but they could never cater a
same-sex wedding. The owners of Memories Pizza for nine years, the
O'Connors have religious images and ornaments lining the pizza parlor's
walls and cash register stand.
"If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their
wedding, we would have to say no," Crystal O'Connor told ABC 57 News.
"We are a Christian establishment."
Number of times in the New Testament Jesus spoke out against
homosexuality: 0 Christianity, apparently, isn't that closely
connected to Jesus.
Krause, though they committed no crime, you wouldn't dare post something stating the pizzeria owners were receiving social media death threats and promise of arson. Now would you?