On Thu, 16 Apr 2015 10:19:47 -0400, "Mr. Luddite" wrote:
On 4/16/2015 9:44 AM, John H. wrote:
You missed this one:
Share it with whomever.
You know John, it was reasonably pleasant here while you were off
camping or whatever you were doing. In the past 24 hours since you
returned you've posted a number of "bait" or snarky comments. Why?
Apparently you missed the hundred Krause posts putting down folks. But, that's OK. I
actually saw my name taken in vain multiple times. Did you miss all those?
Don't get me wrong. I love that you're watching out for me. But, perhaps you could
share the wealth?
Guns don't cause problems.
Gun owner behavior causes problems.