Bit of bad news.
On Fri, 17 Apr 2015 08:29:19 -0400, "Mr. Luddite" wrote:
On 4/17/2015 7:41 AM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Fri, 17 Apr 2015 06:06:05 -0400, John H.
My brother in NC had to be taken to the hospital for difficulty breathing last week
while I was in Holland. Diagnosis was pneumonia and acute renal failure. He is now on
oxygen full time. Don't know if he'll be able to get off of it once the pneumonia is
cleared up. Will ride down today to spend the weekend with him.
FWIW, once diagnosed with lung cancer, he stopped smoking, only to start with the
e-cigarettes. Doctor said those were not at all good for him.
Damn cigarette companies. As kids we were bombarded by advertising
and something like 50% of the adult population were smokers. "Nine
out of ten doctors recommend Kent with the micronite filter" and all
that bull crap. Smoking was portrayed as the cool thing to do, and
once you were hooked, you were really hooked.
Sorry to hear about your brother.
If you google "old cigarette ads" most of the images are of supposed
"doctors" pushing certain brands. Most were filter-less
like Camels, Pall Mall, etc.
The PA who gave the CPR/AED/First Aid course I recently took talked
about smoking. She said that research has proven that today's
filter cigarettes and the chemical additives used in the tobacco are
much more dangerous and harmful than the cigarettes sold back in the 50's.
She said filters contain fiberglass particles that slice the lung walls
allowing the chemicals added to the tobacco to become immediately
absorbed in the blood stream. She said if you smoke you are far better
off going to a smoke shop, buy a bag of pure tobacco, some filter-less
papers and roll your own.
I was a smoker for many years. I tried hypnosis once which was a
complete joke. I tried going cold turkey and went for almost four
months before my kids begged me to have a cigarette and chill out. :-)
Then I tried Chantex. It helped reduce the urge. I didn't stop
completely but reduced my intake to half a pack a day. From there I
slowly started eliminating the rest, one at a time over a period of
about 6 months. The last two a day were the worst. I read that
the nicotine addiction level is about 3 milligrams a day. Most people
smoke much more than they need to satisfy the addiction but getting
over the minimum dose a day is tough. But, I made it. Can't say I feel
any better but at least my clothes don't stink anymore. :-)
I quit about 15 years ago. I can definitely feel the difference. And, I added almost
an octave to my singing range. Hell, I can sing the whole 'Star Spangled Banner'
without dropping an octave at the high notes - if I start low enough.
Guns don't cause problems.
Gun owner behavior causes problems.