On Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 6:49:21 AM UTC-4, wrote:
On Fri, 22 May 2015 19:45:49 -0500, Califbill
Keyser Söze wrote:
Got talked into a test ride today in a 2015 Corvette convertible (don't
ask) at a dealership while I was waiting for something else and was
impressed and disappointed. I was impressed with the car's get up and go
and its cornering abilities...very nice. I was disappointed with the
seeming hugeness of the car from the exterior and the relatively tiny
passenger space inside. I was disappointed with the garishness of the
interior, and the fit and finish of some items. I didn't like the seats
all that much, and I thought the car rode, well, hard.
The sticker price on the car was $80,000. Dunno what it might sell for...
Be this has what to do with boating?
Hey it is an overpriced chunk of fiberglass, with an oversized engine,
sold to people with an over riding desire to boost their self esteem.
Sounds like a lot of "performance" boats they sell.
Actually not fiberglass anymore, they're made from a variety of composite materials (plastic). In cubic inches the engine aren't that big, it's just that technology has made it possible to get a lot of power out of less cubes.
And despite what you think, there are some folks that just enjoy driving a performance car. You're coming across as a bit of a "hater".