Refund for botched dental work?
On 5/27/15 12:17 PM, amdx wrote:
On 5/25/2015 8:59 AM, Justan Olphart wrote:
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Dental cost refund..
Hi I hope someone may be able to help with my query.. I recently paid
3.5K to an Orthodontist to return back 2 teeth after they were moved
after an assault. After 7 months the treatment was over and the
movement was minimal. I complained about the result achieved and the
Orthodontist is telling me he was limited in what he could do. He showed
me a computer model of what he could achieve which I was happy and
proceeded but now gwe have got nowhere near that and he,s telling me was
limited in what he could achieve..? It is to my mind complete robbery if
he was limited in what could be achieved then he should never have taken
my money.. Has anyone had a similar experience or know what course of
action might be available to me..?? Thanks..
What do you have to lose? Put your story together and approach the
Orthodontist and see what he will do. I would work towards a partial
refund, the human body is not a perfect subject to work on. He did the
work, maybe he should have gave warning half way through that things
weren't progressing as he expected. Good attorney question, on what date
did you realize the teeth were not responding as you had hoped.
Is that the date you would have stopped the work? Maybe that's the date
to prorate the charge. You could always get a second opinion.
We went through braces with my daughter and then my son, with my son,
I took the discount for full payment, bad choice, he moved for college
and didn't keep up with all the retainer followups, I suspect I over
paid, because of that.
Another story about a professional;
While at the dermatologist, I ask if there was a cream I could apply
to a dark spot on my face, she whipped out her nitrogen bottle and gave
it a two second spray. After seeing my dark spot a little darker and
receiving a bill for $105 for the 2 second spray, I was not happy. I
went in and complained, they removed they $105 charge. Another spot they
sprayed on a couple of different occasions, the third time they said we
need to do a biopsy. The results of the biopsy were that the area had
been frozen. ;-[
I just went to the eye doctor yesterday, in the paper work, was a list
of things you use your eyes for (?) And then the question, Are you
having any difficulty with that? Then the question, would you like to
see better without your glasses?
Then the form ask,
Place an X on the line that best describes your personality.
Easy Going---------------------------------------------Perfectionist
So, what's their plan? If you are to close to a perfectionist you don't
get corrective lense surgery from them? Do you get extra paperwork to
sign telling you the surgery may not give you 20/20 vision? Never mind
they'll do that anyway.
Congrats, Mikey, you were hooked and reeled in by a troll tossed out in
the waters by one of the rankest and dumbest right-wing
idiots, FlaJim.
Have nice day.