future history
On 6/8/2015 9:56 PM, Califbill wrote:
Keyser Söze wrote:
On 6/8/15 9:07 PM, Califbill wrote:
Justan Olphart wrote:
On 6/8/2015 12:17 PM, Califbill wrote:
Justan Olphart wrote:
On 6/8/2015 6:46 AM, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 6/8/15 12:25 AM, Califbill wrote:
Keyser Söze wrote:
On 6/7/15 6:52 PM, Califbill wrote:
True North wrote:
We're not into hero worship like y'all are down there, Kalif.
'ell.....anyone who can toss or run with a football is idolize down
...and what about that American Idol TV show.....how can y'all idolize
an amateur singer??
Sad, very sad. Your life, where you think hero's are hockey and sports
figures. Idolize and hero are not the same. Maybe you should go
back to
The plural of hero is heroes. Hero's, as you wrote it, is a possessive.
Oh, and school usually has an "l" on the end of it. Also, typically
sentences have verbs in them.
I wouldn't usually point these out, Bilious, but you frequently comment
on the spelling, grammar, and other writing errors of others.
Perhaps you should cut back on the weekend boozing, eh?
Oh, how is your hero Zell Miller doing these days? Is he still crazy,
after all these years?
Oh and I rarely comment on grammar. I do comment on assholeishness and
rank stupidity like Don seems to exude.
You shouldn't ever comment on "grammar." Half of what you post here
doesn't pass a sixth grade coherency test.
Getting a little cocky aren't you? It isn't everyone who needs 6 years of
post elementary English language education to make his way in life.
I passed college English. Then got an engineering degree. Have a
comfortable retirement. Own a boat or three. Never claimed bankruptcy.
Maybe that advanced Liberal Arts Education was not worth the time and money
Especially since he didn't use his degrees to get a teaching job, which
is practically the only thing you can do with those degrees.
Actually, writing technical manuals, if technical enough, paid very well.
At least those we hired as contractors did very well.
The blind leading the even more blind...
Well, then what is your excuse for lack of income? Or was it excess
spending? Too much Corinthian leather?
It's simple Bill. Writers don't get paid well unless they are good at
it. It's too bad that writers unions don't push harder to get their
membership a living wage. Other unions take very good care of their
Respectfully submitted by Justan
Laugh of the day from Krause
"I'm not to blame anymore for the atmosphere in here.
I've been "born again" as a nice guy."