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Default Boat Entry / Exit

I enter and exit frequently from a low dock at the coast, and at times
from a high dock. In Tahiti, I did several launches from a Warf where
cruise ships and freighters land.

Entering and exiting from a high dock you definately want a rope
attached to a mooring to hold at all times. I simply clutch the rope
firmly, then stand in the cockpit. Then work myself to a seated position
on the rear of the coaming. then I work myself in. Getting out is the
same process in reverse.

On a low dock, I sit on the dock. Swing my legs in the cockpit, then
slide to the back of the coaming then work myself in, while clutching
the dock.

Carl Buehler wrote:

I have been playing with my new Perception Eclipse 14.5
and I love it. I have been having no trouble getting in or
out of my new boat in shallow water by using a technique
I found on some web-sites.

But what about entry and exit in deeper water from a dock and lower landing.
My concerns are that in December I am planning on paddling through the
Everglades Wilderness Waterway were I will be camping on what they
call a chickee, ( a dock like structure out over the water.) I was wondering
what others who have paddled the wilderness waterway do when they have camped
from a chickee? (entry / exit technique).

Also loading and unloading gear from the kayak from the chickee platform?
