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Default Enlarging Arctic Hawk Cockpit Rim

I am interested in purchasing a used Wilderness Systems Arctic Hawk. The boat
performs well, but is hard to wet exit/reenter. The problem lies largely in
the height of the deck. It is 11-inches vs. the 12-inches of my current boat.

I am considering the boat (if I get a DEAL), but only if I can enlarge the
cockpit length to make up for the lack of height. The front needs about
3-inches and the rear needs about 2.

A friend says we can make something up and I agree, but I would prefer to buy
something that already has thigh braces molded into it. If anyone can make a
susggestion for a commercially available cockpit rim that can be glassed in,
that would be great. If someone can suggest a different Greenland style boat,
that would be great, too.

I paddled it twice for a total of 5 hours. I didn't think I would like the
hard chined boat and I thought it would need a skeg, but it really performed
well. It tracked, carved turns, didn't get weathercocked. Actually a better
boat than I remember from a demo paddles some time back.

Mike Goodman
High Point, NC