"Michael Daly" wrote in
On 4-Dec-2003, (KAYAKFAN) wrote:
I am interested in purchasing a used Wilderness Systems Arctic Hawk.
The boat performs well, but is hard to wet exit/reenter. The problem
lies largely in the height of the deck. It is 11-inches vs. the
12-inches of my current boat.
When I read this, I thought - here's a newbie - then I looked at the
name, Mike Goodman, and said, no... I know you've paddled lots, so I'm
surprised you're having a problem with this one.
Mike, I found the Arctic Hawk cockpit to feel large! Of course, I'm
comparing it to an Ellesmere with an ocean cockpit. It certainly isn't
large compared some WW kayaks I've been in.
Comparing the Arctic Hawk cockpit with an ocean cockpit is a bit misleading.
My take on Mike's complaint wasn't about the diameter of the cockpit but
more related to the height of the deck.
I think that you should just practice with the kayak before you start
cutting or changing things. You should have no real problem with this
kayak. I don't know what you're used to, but the AH isn't a tight fit.
I don't think so either but I'm not an especially large person. The Hawk
*is* about as close to a traditional West Greenland design as is
commercially available (cept, maybe an Anas Acuta). They're *supposed* to
be low volume. Practice enough it in, especially doing layback rolls, side
sculling, and balance braces and you'll really appreciate that low deck.