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Default How to find a partner to canoe to Arctic Ocean

"Richard Ferguson" wrote in message
For some reason, I have got it in my craw to canoe to the Arctic Ocean,
perhaps on the McKenzie or the Horton, the Yellowknife looks too
technical for my taste/experience. I have done a lot of research, I
have the McCreadie book, I even made up web pages for a half dozen
rivers with a summary of my research, including links to good trip
journals, etc.

What I am short is a willing partner for a month long trip. I used the
web pages as a sales tool for some of my friends who I thought might be
game. However, it is hard to find someone who can take off that much

Hmm. Lets talk. I'm a teacher, so I have summers off. I've done from the
headwaters of the Snake to the Peel to the was 2 weeks.
Logistics are managable, but its a pricey trip. You'd want to have two solo
canoes, I think, to carry gear and to enable you to get out in case of

What rivers are you thinking of?
