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Darryl Johnson
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Default How to find a partner to canoe to Arctic Ocean

Richard Ferguson wrote in :

As far as the MacKenzie, I am skeptical about going to Tuk in an
open canoe also. One alternative would be to canoe out to some
arbitrary point where it looks like the ocean starts, and then
paddle back to Inuvik, or arrange a pickup in a boat or even a
floatplane. A few hours in Inuvik talking to people would
probably answer the question about what was practical.


You might try the website for Inuvik -- -- to see
of they have any info that you could use. Also
might have some info.

As well, High Arctic Adventures, based in Inuvik might be able to
give you come information: or or 1-866-TOUR.TUK (tollfree).

One mo Western Arctic Adventures & Equipment --
,, (867) 777-2594

For info on Tuktoyaktuk, their email is
, (867)977-2286

I have emails and/or phone numbers for a number of the towns/villages
in that area if you want to try them as well. Let me know.
