future history
On Thu, 18 Jun 2015 07:11:27 -0400, Justan Olphart wrote:
On 6/17/2015 9:20 PM, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 6/17/15 7:45 PM, John H. wrote:
On Wed, 17 Jun 2015 14:06:57 -0700 (PDT), True North
JohnnyMop swabs....
"Holy ****! You may have saved Don's ass with that post. Let's see if
he gives you an
appropriate 'thank you'."
Johnny...as usual Ditzy Dan Kruger attempted to ridicule anything I
showed an interest in. Is this how you treated 'your men' in the US
He ridiculed nothing. Those who own the trailer ridiculed it. Learn to
If my men in the Army were about to make a big mistake, you'd better
believe I
corrected them. Letters to next of kin were not a fun thing to write.
Funniest post of the week...your "men in the Army." They probably puked
whenever you came out of your bunker.
Harry the draft dodger makes an ass of himself yet again.
I notice it shut Don up.
Guns don't cause problems.
Gun owner behavior causes problems.