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Gary S.
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Default Winter vs Summer

On 21 Dec 2003 16:58:48 GMT, Drew Cutter wrote:

Gary S. -
The cleveland club shuts down its out door activities for Dec, Jan . I
live a couple of hours from the lake. The reservoirs and one lake stay
partly open around here . Is it better to get a one piece or two piece
dry suit ? One piece are expensive. i will have to check the land
classes. The ski season around here is getting shorter . Allot of man
made snow. Lift ticket prices are getting out of sight . It now cost
75.00 dollars in vermont for one day.

Not my specialty, but my understanding is that a one-piece drysuit
with insulating layers underneath is your best choice for cold water.

No dispute that they get pricey, but some aggressive shopping may help
with that, especially in the off season. Safety equipment is not the
best place to skimp.

I thought that most whitewater and sea kayaking groups did winter pool
sessions during the time they were not outside.

For $75, I would expect gold-plated snow.

Happy trails,
Gary (net.yogi.bear)
at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence

Gary D. Schwartz, Needham, MA, USA
Please reply to: garyDOTschwartzATpoboxDOTcom