long distance boat?
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long distance boat?
I tried the url but it does not seem to work.
lid wrote:
Sounds as if what you want won't come anywhere near being a guide boat
with all the changes
Well actually the changes are not all that great. Most of the below the
waterline shape would be the same with the exception of when the boat is
heeled when sailing. I mentioned lapstrake. Guideboats
were originally lapstrake but evolved to smooth planked to make the
boats quieter when hunting, not a concern to me.
The other changes would be slight, not more than 10%.
But you are right, it's not an Adirondack guide boat. I know guideboat
enthusiasts that do not consider ANY modification to orignal historic
guideboats to be guideboats. But they are purists. I am not.
I will have to come up with a name for this new type of boat that I will
lid wrote:
On Sun, 04 Jan 2004 13:36:18 GMT, steveJ wrote:
I wonder if anyone knows where to find a lines drawing of MacGreggor's
Rob-Roy canoe?
Lots of them on the Web. Before I gave up the idea of building my own
boat, I found tons of drawings and plans, some for RobRoys.
Sounds as if what you want won't come anywhere near being a guide boat
with all the changes, so you might as well look at lots of plans until
you find one that does suit. Try
as a starting
place. They should have links (as well as some free plans) that'll
lead you to links, ad infinitum.
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