Gene--A thousand or so years ago, kayaks were developed and designed for
open water hunting (seals and walruses) whereas canoes were designed for
carrying people and gear. Neither is inherently safer than the other--choose
the conditions; both have positives and negatives. Kayaks are generally
faster, although I've easily beaten a kayak (both solo) in my canoe--depends
upon the skill, strength of the paddler.
Personally, I'll nearly always choose a canoe. I like to boat in fla****ers
and carry a lot of camping gear. If I were interested in "big waters" I'd
choose a kayak. I find it much easier to control a canoe--perhaps because
I've canoed for more than 40 years, and kayaked for only about 10 years :-).
Dunno if this helps, but I hope this will be an interesting thread.
"Gene Cosloy" wrote in message
I'm relatively new to the sport and currently paddle a light touring
kayak in fla****er rivers. Am I missing something by not doing the
same with a canoe? Fundamentally, why choose one over the other? Are
kayaks faster? Are canoes safer? What about wind and current? Is it
harder to control the direction of a canoe than a kayak under the same
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