Canoe or Kayak
"Galen Hekhuis" wrote...
Did you know that in Old Indian the word "canoe" means "silly boat we
conned the white man into using with silly paddle he also think we used"?
Furthermore, canoes have to be stored upside-down, or they will run away.
Kayaks, on the other hand, would never even think of running away, and can
be stored right side up. Canoes have to be spanked to get them to go
forward. You may hear it referred to as a "J Stroke" or something, but it
is simply a way for the canoeist to beat their boat underwater. Why do you
think canoeists call them "paddles"? You'll notice canoeists always have
to keep their paddles close to the boat, lest an unexpected beating be
necessary. Kayakers, however, are strictly involved with propulsion, and
don't have to constantly be ready to beat their boats into submission.
OTOH, if you want the load-carrying ability of a canoe and the elegance and
seaworthiness of a kayak, get a Guideboat instead!