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Brian Nystrom
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Default Could someone please give a quick rundown of whats needed forwinter kayaking.

John Fereira wrote:

Be prepared to spend $700-$900.

While that's true of Kokatat and Stohlquist suits, you can order one
from Ravenspring, custom fit to your body dimensions, for less than $500
delivered. Ravenspring suits have interesting options such as internal
suspenders and sleeve and thigh pockets. Several of my paddling friends
have them and they rave about the suits, and also about Ravenspring's

A bargain basement option, if you fit the sizes available, is one of the
Gore-Tex "Canadian Air Force" dry suits made by Mustang that are sold
regularly on Ebay. They typically sell for under $100, but they are
designed to have booties added to fit the wearer, so they come with
short legs with no seals. For another $50, you can order latex booties
and glue from OS Systems ( and have a functional suit.
Another option would be to glue on neoprene socks or boots. The downside
is that these suits are a bit heavier and stiffer than commercial suits
and use an unusual, but functional, zipper configuration.