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Tim Ingram
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Default Tim Ingram's address?

Dear PaddleWreck:

This is a study, and I use responses like yours to investigate the
psychology of making canoes and kayaks as dangerous as possible.

The US Coast Guard BARD stats show that almost all dead victims (about
a hundred yearly) with a range of 115 to 78 over the past 5 years,
struggle on the surface for variable times, they don't sink
immediately without a PFD. (See lifesaving stations on most city
waterfronts. Most people are not wearing a PFD for a stroll, and the
world lifesaving standard is some buoyant device, like a canoe with
"automatic inflating sponsons.") There are some years when many more
dead are wearing PFDs (2000)and other years (1999) when there are
fewer dead but more of these dead are not wearing PFDs.

The interesting thing is how easily canoes and kayaks can be made
extremely safe. Safer than any other craft in fact; since sponsons are
used by RESCUE PROFESSIONALS for Rescue Devices used in tricky water
and ice rescues. But a canoe as shown in

Or just Google "us coast guard canoe kayak safety" for the page,

has far more speed, mobility and capacity, demonstrated by 2 little
girls, 7 and 10.

Now PaddleWreck, you want to make kids as unsafe as possible, and
anyone else, apparently. Of course the World Champs at the Annual
Greenland Rolling Championships use a busy powerboat to rescue all the
champs who miss their roll. (Of course they miss their paddlefloat too
since almost all propaganda says rolls are more reliable than
paddlefloats! Check the book link above too: "Canoe and Kayak Scam
Kills 1000 Americans: US Coast Guard Studies Device to Save Victims"
This "bait and switch" scam, killing 1000 Americans in a decade, is
circular and obvious: There is always a "Back-up" to the "deadly
rescue" that just failed, the "deadly rescue" was supposed to be the
back-up for the "back-up.") Easy to kill people!

US Coast Guard report 071-01: "Canoes and kayaks have by far the
highest fatality rates per million hours of exposure (.42) as any
other boat type". (This figure may be far too low, considering the
death statistics of the Ford/Firestone scandal, over a similar time
frame, with many more vehicles, many, many more use/hours daily, and
only 200 deaths.)

"A total of 105 canoeists and kayakers drowned in 1998. Canoes and
kayaks have the highest fatality rate of all boat types ñ double the
rate of personal watercraft and 4 times higher than open motorboats."
(Before the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation of
the U.S. House of Representatives, May 15, 2001, BOAT/U.S.)

The wider kayaks and "sit-on-tops", are by far the most popular types
of kayaks according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association,
over ten (10) times more popular than narrow or whitewater types,
(reflecting users' choices, who find narrower craft too unstable).
They are less deadly due to a wider beam. However if flooded, the
"recreational kayaks", unlike the equally popular "sit-on-tops", do
not have built-in sponsons. They cannot be pumped out due to the very
large cockpit opening. The victims die when they cannot get out of the
water (rate of body heat loss is 25 times the rate in air.) PFDs
cannot magically get them out. Furthermore, deaths indicate that the
"sit-on-top" types, that already have built-in sponsons, have
insufficient sponson buoyancy for most victims to rescue themselves
and not recapsize. (Sufficient sponson buoyancy is only possible
through "automatic inflating sponsons" on the USCG website.)

In Canada, the death rate is much higher than the US, thanks to the
Canadian Coast Guard covering up a study by a Canadian Search and
Rescue Officer who found exactly the same sponson safety reported by
the US Military Special Forces Kayaking Study (10th Airborne) in 1994.
Result: About 500 Canadian canoe and kayak deaths.

This study and others will stand with "Hitler's Willing Executioners"
and Milgram's studies at Yale, regarding the darker aspects of
humanity. You simply have no other instances of such a high death
rate, easily remedied, by such a small "murder cult". I repeat what I
stated in the above link: "There is plenty of "macho" ego, regarding
instruction that no judge or jury can accomplish. There are however,
plentiful arguments that the victims deserved to die, as a Darwinian


(Paddlec1) wrote in message ...
Who was it that posted Timmy's address last time he came around? And does
someone still have it?