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Tim Ingram
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Default Tim Ingram's address?

Well Brian, you did not answer the question several months ago:

"Do you prefer murdering boy scouts or girl guides?"

This is the effect of your paddlefloat, roll etc. stupidity. What do
you have to lose if all canoes and kayaks are much safer? It is easy
to make them much safer.

You lose being a moron who instructs people in losing their lives,
with instruction that most sane people reject anyway.

Coward, Murderer (why not try to take me to court) if you are not?



Brian Nystrom wrote in message ...
back40 wrote:

Gawd, if I'd known this would stir up such a hornet's nest....

Well, you didn't know, so don't sweat it. The subject comes up every so
often, Timmy goes on a rant, his ISP eventually pulls the plug due to
the deluge of complaints, then things get back to normal.

Anyway, with such a disparity of opinion (not uncommon these days!) I
think it best if I find out for myself. Your boat fender suggestion is
ingenious, and I just happen to have a few, so, when the water warms
up this summer, we'll do some some capsizing and testing, using the
(inflated)fenders as sponsosn, and as a paddle float, and we'll see
which seems to work better for me.

Before you trust any such system, be sure to test it in rough water. If
there's any small surf available, try it there. What you'll find is that
adding floatation to the sides of a kayak makes it more likely to be
flipped by steep water.

Brian Nystrom wrote in message ...
lcopps wrote:
I've told you guys. Now the beast has woken!

Two things:

1) Don't give him credit by calling him a "beast". He's just an idiot.

2) You can dramatically reduce the waste of bandwidth by not quoting his