Dear Matt:
You must understand that this is a large issue involving the easily
preventable deaths of innocent citizens. I make this clear in
I am an old scoutmaster and YMCA counsellor. Also, I have given my
word to parents of dead kids that I shall continue to do my best that
the sick "safety" culture here is obliterated. And the criminals, like
any hate group, attempting to make canoes and kayaks as deadly as
possible, are punished.
is only the beginning of an internet based class action legal suit.
We sell cars by safety. In fact all consumer goods must be as safe as
possible. This (RBP) is the only exeption in the US and Canada for
many years.
History and thousands of psychology experiments tell us that bullies
and killers will take advantage of any laxity. They are perfectly
willing to take a few dollars and "blame the victims for killing
themselves". Bait and Switch frauds, sold by the ACA are very common,
effective, and in this unique case, more deadly than bin Laden's
network since Sept 11, by about 200%.
Thanks for your considerate question.
Matt Langenfeld wrote in message
let's just say there's different opinion and let it go at that. Is the
last word that important?
Tim Ingram wrote:
Dear Mike:
You are exactly the kind of person who would try to sell rolls and
other deadly ideas to Girl Guides apparently. You would not want them
to have any chance to live.
Is it any wonder US Coast Guard report 071-01: "Canoes and kayaks have
by far the highest fatality rates per million hours of exposure (.42)
as any other boat type". (This figure may be far too low, considering
the death statistics of the Ford/Firestone scandal, over a similar
time frame, with many more vehicles, many, many more use/hours daily,
and only 200 deaths.)
"A total of 105 canoeists and kayakers drowned in 1998. Canoes and
kayaks have the highest fatality rate of all boat types ñ double the
rate of personal watercraft and 4 times higher than open motorboats."
(Before the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation of
the U.S. House of Representatives, May 15, 2001, BOAT/U.S.)
Or: "Looking at the first six months of each year, the number of
kayaks sold has decreased 50 percent from 12,502 in 2001 to 6,216 in
2003." (Paddler, Jan/Feb 2004, p.8, published by the ACA.)
The wider kayaks and "sit-on-tops", are by far the most popular types
of kayaks according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association,
over ten (10) times more popular than narrow or whitewater types,
(reflecting users' choices, who find narrower craft too unstable).
They are less deadly due to a wider beam. However if flooded, the
"recreational kayaks", unlike the equally popular "sit-on-tops", do
not have built-in sponsons. They cannot be pumped out due to the very
large cockpit opening. The victims die when they cannot get out of the
water (rate of body heat loss is 25 times the rate in air.) PFDs
cannot magically get them out. Furthermore, deaths indicate that the
"sit-on-top" types, that already have built-in sponsons, have
insufficient sponson buoyancy for most victims to rescue themselves
and not recapsize. (Sufficient sponson buoyancy is only possible
through "automatic inflating sponsons" on the USCG website.)
You are not only hurting sales of canoes and kayaks, you are hurting
scouts and girl guides. What have they done to hurt you?
Please have respect for the value of human life.
And don't be verbally abusive below. It just makes you look mean to
For more understanding:
MikeSoja wrote in message . ..
(Paddlec1) wrote in message ...
Who was it that posted Timmy's address last time he came around? And does
someone still have it?
If you want his real world address you'll most likely have to use
real world methods to locate it (unless the address on his web page
is accurate. ;-)
His e-addresses have all changed since May 2001, when his mentally
challenged virtual person was last removed from these groups. He
doesn't seem to have gotten any smarter in the last three years.
First up: Presently, he's posting through Google-Groups, and they
take a dim view of obnoxious spamming.
Complaints should be sent to:
Be sure to include his full headers, and you might make reference
Second: He's dialing up via a Canadian branch of MCI, and they too
take a dim view of ignorant spammers. In fact, about the only rule
they have concerns Spam.
Their apparent abuse address is:
and their Acceptable Use Policy is at:
Again, send complete headers in every complaint.
His websites are being hosted by other providers, but showing abuse
there gets a little more involved.
With some spammers and trolls the best thing to do is killfile them,
but past experience with Timmy shows that he only grows more
long-windedly obnoxious (if you can believe it), until his account
is terminated. Still, the less one speaks to him, or of him, or of
sponsons, the better.
Happy paddling!
Mike Soja